This Monday evening, I took my friends in my apartment and had a good time. I cooked my food, my friends brought beers. I was thinking all day long which food I would serve for them, and I made up my mind to make beef casserole, fried rice & beef soup.
I flavored the beef casserole with teriyaki sauce, hot pepper paste, soy sauce, hot pepper powder, soy sauce.. etc..
In the fried rice, I added chopped shrimp, beef, and vegetables(onion, scallion, carrot.. etc).

I want to erase the spoon on this picture. This spoon is ruining this picture!
In my opinion, the key point to make this food delicious is add plenty of onion, scallion and garlic before heat. These vegetables add juicy flavors to beef when they are heated.
The following is the recipe : http://www.cookscentral.com/recipe.asp?res=1247

I added chopped shrimp into the fried rice & flavored with soysauce slightly. Because I'm a huge fan of shrimp. Many people says shrimp has lots of cholesterol, but I don't care about that. How can I give up the great taste of shrimp? :)
The following is the recipe : http://www.cookscentral.com/recipe.asp?res=1248
The key point of cooking shrimp is 'don't over cook'. If shrimps are over-cooked, it lose its own tension.
And the following is essential.