I tasted real india's biryani in India's train. Because of the smell of coriander, I couldn't eat food several days. I just ate fruit and cookie.
However, when I move from Puri to Bangalore by train, I have no choice to eat something to stuff my stomach. I need carbs and protein! I tasted the mutton biryani in the train. The biryani also have corriander in it, but it was really good taste.
And after that experience I ate a lot of biryani in my travel.
Sometimes I miss the taste of biryani.
the following is the recipe of chicken biryani :
Korean biryani, how interesting!
That looks so good. and thanks for stopping by foodwarez. I was wondering if i could add your site to my awesome food sites list?
Looks yummy !
Thank you, zach leech!
It's good to add my site to your site. :)
how i miss the Bangladesh biryani!!! i used to go to Bangladesh about 3x a year for the past 10 years, but now that i took early retirement, i haven't taken biryani for 8 months now!
thanks for sharing your recipe, koeran biryani must be interesting!
Hello, dine.
I've never been to Bangladesh, but I really want to go there!
Is there your Bangladesh picture and story in your blog?
I want to see your blog, but I can't access your blog. What is the ploblem with this?
we have indian and malay briyani, but no korea briyani
but i think it will look good too..
Yup, the more you've tasted real Indian food, the more it "grows" on you.
I guess you're right, Las montaƱas. LOL
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